Thursday, September 12, 2024

Let's revive this MoFo


I'm back ... and OMG, do I have like a million things to talk about. Where do I even begin?

What about the fact that I quit my job and told no one about it?  

So I left journalism and went into the corporate world -- people keep saying that it's the dark side, yada yada, but I gotta be honest y'all ... I totes loved it. 

Also, do people say "totes" now? Like, are you guys even keeping up with the new Internet lingo? I can't even. Like for real, like OMG. 


Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I was in the corporate world for a bit and long story short, I took my own advice to FEFE: "F*ck Everyone and F*ck Everything" (figuratively, not literally ... though who are we to judge?) and decided to quit my job. Just like that. 

It's scary -- that's for sure, since I gotta pay like for a million bills and stuff ... but seriously, I need this break. If anyone deserves to say FEFE and lead a stress-free life ... it's me! My jaw has been permanently clenched since 1983 and don't even get me started on my stiff shoulders. 


And this is just the beginning of a new chapter in my life ... and guys, you've missed a bunch of them.

Don't worry ... I know that nobody asked, but I'm still gonna take y'all on this journey as I figure out this part of my life. 

And seriously though, don't tell my mom that I quit my job without having another lined up. Toodles (Is this still a thing?)


Thursday, June 22, 2017

What's cookin, good lookin?

First of all ... don't get all excited over the title. I said "good lookin" and you're not.

Anyway, I can't wait to share the two epic things that happened today:

First, I remembered the password for this account, which explains this post ... duh.

And secondly ... Martin was at 3A. Like OMG. For real.

So it is only right that I do a Martin appreciation post that many* of you have been asking for like years.

*many = Jastin (I swear, Jastin is the only person to always ask me about this damn blog. That's why he'll always be my brotha from another species.)

Martin was here, and nothing exciting happened. I took a photo of him while he was talking to Lohan.

"Martin is awesome," said no one ever.

ps: Lohan is totes jealous that I haven't dedicated a blog or blogpost to him. #sorrynotsorry

In conclusion, Martin didn't do or say anything useful. Ugh .. in other words, I totally wasted 15 minutes trying to remember the password for this account.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I said "Smile betches" and this is what I got. Obviously Angelin and Chester are not always camera ready, but whatever.

So, anyway ... Angelin was about to give me a direct quote from Kenneth (cause I said "Let's make fun of Kenneth in this post") and I stopped her cause I had to upload the photo and stuff.

"Oh this is Kenneth semalam on the phone with a PR. They're talking about some house they're going to have a shoot at...then he went 'Ahh...what? Haunted? .... 'Oh, you meant sponsored'."...

Wait ... that's the quote? Like what the hell ... I had to type that out.

Sometimes I don't even know why I feature these lame-oes on this blog - which by the way Angelin, people do read. I have fans and stuff. Mostly stuff ... but there's a fan somewhere there.

Let's find out what Chester had for lunch today ... err, nasi lemak Melayu lah ... the stuff downstairs.

Now, they're talking about the "anniversary food"

How many times did Chester go to toilet? "What" ..

"Actually, I've never seen you go to toilet," said Angelin.

"I do."

Now, they're arguing over how Chester actually goes to toilet but Angelin has never seen him move away from his computer.

Wow. The things that people talk about. Mind blowing.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Nobody puts Yvonne in a corner

Yvonne is all alone ... all by herself. Okay, there are other people in the office but they don't matter.

"Okay I gotta go and have lunch."

She just grabbed my wrists.

"Is it cold? Like my soul?"

"I didn't say soul. I said my heart."

No wonder she's alone.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Touche betches

Kelly is talking to herself. Actually she's doing her work. But she is like literally talking to herself.

Bruce is on my left. Looking at his phone.
Being all bored and stuff.

This place is cold. Like they want us to freeze to death or something.

What is Kelly's favourite number? 8


"Because I like the money, huat, huat, huat."

"This is what you look like without a neck."

Kelly just took a photo of Bruce without a neck.

"Don't sit like that."

"I'm too lazy to move," says Bruce.

Now they're complaining about POKC closing down.

"No more tau foo fah cheesecake."

Apparently it's because I didn't review that place.

NMP. Not My Problem.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Yvonne is here. Talking to Meliza.

Meliza is pointing a weird cat thingy at my face.

"Kitty wants to make friends."

"I'm just gonna stay here until you guys make a decision," says Yvonne.

Meliza is complaining about how we're not friends on FB.

"She doesn't even reply my messages."

Yvonne just snapped her fingers.

"I have no idea what she's doing now." Yvonne is whispering something. Can't hear her. Must be something unimportant.

We are not having cake today FYI.

I hate everyone.

What's up betches?

Meliza is on my left. She has two stories to do...

"They have carrot cake at Sprezza. But I didn't buy it because we're going later."

Meliza and I are required to eat cake today. It's a must. It is expected of us.

What did Meliza have for lunch today?

Jay just tapped me on my shoulder. He left.

"You watched me digest my food and you ask me what I had for lunch? Consume and digest ... both."

What's your favourite colour?

"Orange. What's yours?"

Red. But people think it's black.

"Yeah...because you always wear black."