Thursday, February 26, 2009

As per no one's request...

I was thinking about not blogging for a long time. Why? Simply.

But of course, Martin wouldn't have it that way. He says that his friends have been complaining that the blog is not here I am, updating it.

IY is behind me, playing the guitar. Earlier, he was messing around with the keyboard I brought into the office today.

We're planning to start a band. Unfortunately, IY is the only one who knows how to play the musical instruments. I guess the rest of us will be clapping along to the beat...and singing out of tune here and there.

What should we name our band? Do drop in your suggestions. Yes you. I know you read this pathetic tell me your suggestion, aye?

IS was raving about the TV series, SKIN just now. It's full of nudity (old uncles and aunties - according to IY) and sex...almost like porn...but with a story line. The DVDs are with NC now. I'll be watching them next week kot...after I finish watching Lost. I'm gonna watch Season 4 soon. Can't wait.

It's damn cold here. It's like living in a freezer...that is if living in a freezer would be like this. I have three jackets/sweater/cardigan draped over my chair but I'm too lazy to move and pick one up and wear it. How much do you think I should pay someone to do it for me ah?

I was reading a post on MSN on how celebrities stay thin. Apparently one of the reason is because they have personal chefs. Well, I know the cook at Chettynad and he personally brings out the fried chicken for me and NM/PY/IY/IS/ but why am I not skinny like the Hollywood celebrities?

P.S: I love Malaysia and everyone living in Malaysia (Mat Rempits, snatch thieves, people who double-park and leave to do their errands and come back 30mins later and don't bother to apologise, my neighbour who always gives me the look when Bobby Brown pees on his flower pot...everyone!)

I also believe in Rukun Negara and follow it all the time. I also wear seat-belts and don't run red lights. I love Malaysia and I'm happy to be a Malaysian. Please don't arrest me.

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