Saturday, January 29, 2011

Woof! Woof!

OMG...this is the first post about dog. Let's have a minute of silence to appreciate this moment and save it in our memory banks like forever.

Okay, I'm done. Are you?

You know how much I love animals right? Like I would die for them although the chances of me dying because of them seems much higher.

Oh, you know. All that fried chicken I consume has to go somewhere and I'm pretty sure they'll end up clogged in my vena pulmonary, resulting in my untimely death after I suffer a cardiac arrest the moment I get on stage to receive my second Nobel Peace Prize before I hit the age of 40.

Phew, that's one heck of a long sentence. *Kids, don't try that at home*

Nyeh...don't freak out. It won't come true. The cardiac arrest I mean. Erm, you people are evil. Let me touchwood x3 just to be on the safe side. Okay, it won't come true. The cardiac arrest, I mean. Focus people!

Erm, where was I? Oh yeah, animal lover. Well, this is not a post about the dog abuse video clip that everyone is talking about. Though on a separate note, I hope that the poodle rips that filthy, evil man's hoo-has out!

This post is about my dog, Bobby Brown.

Uhmm, erm...honestly though, I'm getting a little bit malas to continue. I love my dog and all...but I don't feel like writing anymore. So that's all.

Good night peeps. May the force be with you.


  1. I love your posts. Don't ask me which one cos I can't remember how many I read. But I laughed so hard til I snort!

  2. Hi Norlin,

    OMG..I don't know how to react. This is a first for in a reader who I didn't blackmail into reading this blog.

    I don't know what to do...

    Anyway, you have just upped the number of readers to four and a half. Thank you...=)
