Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jastin and Rizal had tea. I was there too.

Me: Indra told me about what you guys did last weekend. But I can't tease you about it because Jastin is here.

Jastin: What's it about?

Me: Sorry, I can't tell you. I told Indra I won't tell anyone. I asked her permission if I can tell Nasa and Ian. She said no. Then I asked her if I can tease Rizal about it. She said yes.

Jastin: Is it about Bersih?

Me: It was inspired by Bersih. Sorry, that's all I can tell you.

Rizal: I think I know what you're talking about.

Me: (Looking at Jastin) I know it's frustrating when people want to tell you something but they won't tell you anything. I feel like slapping people like that all the time.

Jastin: I feel like slapping you now.

1 comment:

  1. gotta hand it to ya, what you wrote never failed to bring a smile to my face or worst made me choke on my mentos while lol. *ok, maybe not lol, but definitely a big xD*

    write more! if only they allow you to have a column for your freestyle writing, it would make my morning a smiling one. :)

    ps: for all those awesome comments i just wrote, i wanna see my name in your upcoming article. lolol. jk. serious. jk.
