Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let it be known that ....

I love Junior Masterchef Australia. I hope that Cassidy or maybe one of the twins wins the competition.

*Omg, my neighbour's party is still going strong. And I can hear the music from my room. Would I be a total party pooper if I called the cops on them?*

So, anyway, I think that it is totally awesome that these kids are given a chance to show just how good they are in the kitchen, and just what geniuses they are with food.

Eh, I forgot to tell you

I'm like super artistic right? Like so artistically gifted that if Da Vinci was alive, I'd be teaching him how to hold a paintbrush and stuff.

So yeah, I like to doodle and draw and one day, I had an idea. Why not do a comic strip on Indra? You know...that homeless lady who lives on 3A.

Oh, you don't know Indra? Well, here's a picture of her. Sorry, I had to blur it a little bit - she's the shy-shy type.

So far, I've done a few comic strips for Indra (the porn star and Vegetable Girl series) and she said that she'll upload them to her blog one day.

That requires acts like scanning and stuff and I seriously don't think that Indra knows how to operate anything more technologically advanced than a toaster. Hmm...we'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

So yeah...I just wanted to tell you that; that I'm artistic and stuff. Bye.

Woof! Woof!

OMG...this is the first post about dog. Let's have a minute of silence to appreciate this moment and save it in our memory banks like forever.

Okay, I'm done. Are you?

You know how much I love animals right? Like I would die for them although the chances of me dying because of them seems much higher.

Oh, you know. All that fried chicken I consume has to go somewhere and I'm pretty sure they'll end up clogged in my vena pulmonary, resulting in my untimely death after I suffer a cardiac arrest the moment I get on stage to receive my second Nobel Peace Prize before I hit the age of 40.

Phew, that's one heck of a long sentence. *Kids, don't try that at home*

Nyeh...don't freak out. It won't come true. The cardiac arrest I mean. Erm, you people are evil. Let me touchwood x3 just to be on the safe side. Okay, it won't come true. The cardiac arrest, I mean. Focus people!

Erm, where was I? Oh yeah, animal lover. Well, this is not a post about the dog abuse video clip that everyone is talking about. Though on a separate note, I hope that the poodle rips that filthy, evil man's hoo-has out!

This post is about my dog, Bobby Brown.

Uhmm, erm...honestly though, I'm getting a little bit malas to continue. I love my dog and all...but I don't feel like writing anymore. So that's all.

Good night peeps. May the force be with you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh my's 2011 already!

Greetings Earth people,

It has been ages since I last updated this blog...and it's not because nothing happened but more of because I was simply too lazy. Yeah, so what's new right?

Jastin has been bugging the heck out of me to update this goddamn blog. I seriously need to get that boy a life...I mean, after I get one for Eduwingyelsdis of course.

Anyway, Martin, the man who I dedicate this blog to, is nowhere to be seen during normal office hours. So, I really have nothing to blog about. Everybody is going about doing their own thing and yeah...that's pretty much it.

People say that Martin is working in a new department, has a new work schedule and only comes to work at night..yada, yada...though I personally think that he's turned into a vampire.

I mean, he has always had a thing for sparkly, pale, skinny boys and I know just how much he loves Edward Cullen. So, I wouldn't be surprised if one day Martin announces to the world that he's actually a blood sucking creature by the name of Bella Swan. Lol.

Okay, so anyway...the reason why I'm writing this post is to announce to my three and a half (you know who you are) readers that I'm thinking about switching up the way I blog a little bit.

You know how I always focus on people in the office and stuff, but honest to god, there's only so much I can write about them. I've decided to also start blogging about the most important thing in the

I recently met a friend who said that she misses my blog and that I should start blogging again (like the way I used to); and since I'm super malas to start another blog from scratch, I have decided to just continue it from here la.

Hope you people understand...not that I care if you don't. I'm just telling you la.

But don't start panicking just yet. I will still continue to post mudane things about the office people and try to get more dirt on them. I know that you people are hooked to what happens in my office, though I have no idea why.

Say hi to your boss/teachers for me. They are doing a great job at creating an awesome working/studying environment for much so that you need to live vicariously through me...someone who doesn't have a life either.

Get on the boat. We'll sink together. Oh no wait...I know how to float. Every man for himself then.