Friday, February 13, 2009

Spoilt brat!

Okay...I'll make this quick.

Had lunch with IS, NC and the two French kids at a Japanese restaurant at Jaya 33. It was damn funny looking at Bill (that's what IS calls him as she can't exactly pronounce his French name) trying to pick up soft tofu with a chopstick on each hand.

Fast forward five hours later...NM and IY were going over their Valentine's Day plan and NC was talking about how he's going to bring six hot chicks to dinner tomorrow.

As NC was clearing my story (which was terrible, I have to admit), I asked him what's wrong with me. Actually, he could've pointed out a million things that are wrong with me...but he didn't. I asked again, "Why am I writing crappy stories nowadays?"

He replied," Like I said yesterday, you're too complacent."

"But I don't understand what complacent means!" I said. NC gave me a look. I understood what that look meant.

"You enjoy doing other things at work more than what you're supposed to do...which is writing. I told IS yesterday that you walk over my head," he said.

"Actually, you're right," I agreed.

"Sometimes you just act like a spoilt brat," he added.

I couldn't agree more. So I just smiled.

"I can only tell you these now because you're in a good mood. If I tell you on other days, you'll be so defensive saying that I'm picking on you and bullying you," said NC.

OMG...NC totally knows me!

"You're not a bad're just a terrible employee," he ended.

Fast forward one hour after that conversation....I went to Karr Wei to tell her my 'problem'. She said "You're a spoilt brat!"

Wow, I heard it from two different people on the same day! But I'm not a spoilt brat!!! I'm just used to doing things my way.....

Fast forward thirty minutes after I spoke to Karr Wei...I went to MG and told my 'problem'.

"Can't you see. I'm busy playing Word Challenge!" she said. End of story.

1 comment:

  1. I deny everything that was transcribed onto your post.

